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Potential Relief for Providers: New Legislation on Physician Fee Schedule

Amidst the many challenges facing the long-term care industry in 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced potentially devastating proposed cuts to the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) back in August. (Note: The PFS is CMS’ way of calculating how therapists are reimbursed for delivering Medicare Part B services.)
Despite widespread advocacy efforts by industry leaders and providers, the proposed cuts are still proposed to go into effect starting January 1, 2021. However, there is potential relief in sight in the form of a new bipartisan bill that was introduced on October 30 that may stave off the impact! If passed, this new legislation will offer reprieve to providers in the form of temporary relief payments (dispersed by CMS in 2021 and 2022) that will help maintain/stabilize compensation at 2020 levels.
HealthPRO Heritage pledges to keep our partners & peers up-to-date on news related to PFS cuts and relief payments. Additionally, we continue in collaboration with industry leaders such as NASL, APTA, AOTA, ASHA, and NARA to leverage letter-writing and petition signing campaigns to actively oppose the PFS cuts (#FightTheCut).
Learn more about HealthPRO Heritage's Advocacy Efforts.

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Tags: Physician Fee Schedule, CMS Physician Fee Schedule, advocacy