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Strategic Scheduling: Buzzworthy News from NAHC’s FMC

Recent functional impairment data and staffing intel presented at the National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) Financial Managers Conference (FMC) surrounding visit utilization highlights the enhanced need to implement strategic scheduling. PDGM set out the initiative to reimburse agencies based on patient acuity and left it to providers to determine the appropriate level of care.

As you can see in the chart below showing the past 6 quarters, patients are transitioning home faster with a higher level of functional impairment. This is likely due to both the regulation change and an evolving shift to care being preferred in the home during the COVID pandemic.

Source: SHP 30-Day Period Start Dates Jan ‘20 – June ‘21


These factors along with Value Based Purchasing (VBP) on the horizon make it more important now for home health agencies to maximize our patient touches to create better outcomes through implementation of efficient care models.

A few considerations for strategic scheduling best practice include:

  • Clinicians practicing at the top of their license. Ensuring that the highest level of care is provided at each visit by continuously giving resources and education to them. This leads to providing individualized care plans that ensure outcomes.
  • Clinical collaboration is critical. Collaboration at start of care allows accurate patient assessments and classification so they receive the resources they need.
  • Risk of Hospitalization and potentially frontloading of visits for prevention.
  • Visit Utilization and Distribution that is patient-specific based on the patient’s needs.
  • Appropriate staffing matrixes to meet growth initiatives.

HealthPRO Heritage at Home is focusing on strategies to assure positive functional outcomes in 2021 + beyond to help your agency prepare for the future beginning today. Contact us with questions or reach out for an additional perspective by emailing:  homehealth@healthpro-heritage.com.

Click here to read Part 1 of our Buzzworthy News from NAHC's FMC (including the hot topic of LUPA Management).

Tags: Home Health Agency, LUPA, contract therapy