Given the volume of information related to COVID-19, we wanted to take this opportunity to provide a resource for our therapists in the field who have many questions, concerns, anxieties, and curiosities about this situation and how HealthPRO Heritage is handling it. To recap, HealthPRO Heritage started COVID-19 preparedness early to deploy a multi-faceted effort designed to:
Our exceptional team of HealthPRO Heritage therapists will remain focused on what they do best: providing only high quality care to the patients and residents in need of services today. Because Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy are essential components of our health services model, the work we do is a key factor in caring for our nation’s most vulnerable population. Our commitment to those who have placed their trust in our hands remains unchanged in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. Let’s continue to explore innovative ways to assure our work as therapists continues to serve patients and residents by driving positive outcomes, preventing declines in function and maintaining optimal quality of life. We appreciate your commitment to our collective objectives and strict adherence to COVID-19 related guidelines. We recognize that our Rehab Directors and therapists are the face of our company and appreciate all you are doing to serve our customers, patients, and residents during this time. It is critically important that our field therapists remain in close communication with our customers’ leadership teams, fellow staff, Human Resources, and/or Clinical Strategies/Clinical Operations Teams as we manage through an evolving situation. Best regards, Jim W. Rogerson, Chief Operating Officer Hilary G. Forman, Chief Clinical Strategy Officer |