Implementation of the new case-mix classification model, the Patient Driven Grouping Model (PDGM), on January 1, 2020 will bring BIG changes to the home health profession! HealthPRO Heritage at Home is ready to help you start preparing TODAY for the most dramatic Medicare reimbursement change since PPS.
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Get Ready for PDGM
Posted on: April 25, 2019
Tags: Home Health, PDGM, CMS Update 2019, Revenue, OASIS
Revenue Cycle Matters Under PDGM
Posted on: April 15, 2019
PDGM implementation is a mere 38 weeks away, bringing significant changes in episode length (60 to 30 days), resultant billing processes, revenue cycle, and ultimately, cash flow. While certification periods will continue to be 60 days in duration, reimbursement will be broken into 30-day payment periods. As such, billing will have to be processed for each 30-day payment period including Requests for Anticipated Payment (RAPs) and final claims. This will likely result in a substantial increase in claims volume in addition to an interruption in cash flow. Specifically, agencies will experience a cash flow “crunch” during the first few months of implementation as the conversion from 60-day to 30-day payments is realized with a leveling off after the initial impact and conversion.
Read MoreTags: Home Health, PDGM, Revenue, Episode Length of Stay