CMS published the final rule for CY2022 making official the nationwide expansion of the HHVBP Model. The HHVBP Model is one of four Innovation Center models that have met the requirements to be expanded in duration and scope since 2010. Given this expansion, CMS is also ending the HHVBP Model for participants in the original model’s nine states. The first performance year of the expanded HHVBP Model will be CY 2023, with quality performance data from that year used to calculate payment adjustments under the expanded Model in CY 2025. Throughout 2022, CMS will provide technical assistance to HHAs to ensure they understand how performance will be assessed as finalized in this rule. To take an in-depth look at VBP click here: What is Value Based Purchasing?
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Home Health Final Rule Release and How to Prepare for VBP
Posted on: November 3, 2021
Tags: Home Health, Home Health Agency, #homehealth
Leveraging Clinical Specialization to Support Caseload Growth
Posted on: April 14, 2020
More than ever before, home health agencies need a broad array of clinical programs to attract and effectively manage clinical complexity. And, given the current staffing environment, this can be pretty challenging. However, perhaps one strategic move agencies can make to maintain and grow caseload is to engage a trusted therapy partner to bring specialty programs & expanded skillsets to their overall clinical approach. In turn, this may allow agencies to accept more referrals and expand caseload across payer sources.
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Home Health & CMS COVID-19 Flexibilities: Read the Fine Print
Posted on: April 1, 2020
Currently home health agencies are fighting to stay productive and profitable in the PDGM operating environment, now compounded by the COVID-19 national emergency. While this week’s CMS COVID-19 rulings feature many great new proposals, home health agencies may remain feeling somewhat puzzled about the practical implications of what was actually released. HealthPRO-Heritage is here to help break down the confusion. The below chart provides insight on what these new proposals actually mean for home health agencies going forward. Here is what we know so far:
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From the Home Health Frontlines: Tips & Trends Amidst COVID-19 Crisis
Posted on: March 30, 2020
Fifteen-year home health therapist and Vice President of Clinical Strategies for HealthPRO Heritage at Home, Jason L. Sasser, shares best practices and perspective on what the COVID-19 crisis means for home health providers during his interview for The Strategy Academy podcast series. Highlights from that discussion are summarized here:
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Early National PDGM Data and Metrics
Posted on: March 24, 2020
The National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) has released preliminary data specific to the early PDGM claims and trends. This is our first opportunity to be able to begin benchmarking performance compared to the trends that are occurring across the industry. Below you will find various different metrics that can be used to compare your agency performance under PDGM to the national averages of claims data submitted thus far.
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