PDGM, COVID-19 + the Final Rule 2022

Review our analysis of CMS' release of the 2022 Home Health Final Rule, and our resources for agencies that may be struggling to navigate reimbursement regulations, declining caseload volumes, staff anxieties/shortage & more.

HealthPRO Heritage at Home is well prepared to support partners with meaningful guidance and sophisticated resources:





*Interested in a webinar, but don't have access?
Contact education@healthpro-heritage.com


Listen to The Strategy Academy with HealthPRO Heritage on Apple Podcasts Google Play
Topics include:
  • PDGM Reimbursement Series
    • 8-Parts: CMI  •  Telehealth  •  OASIS  •  LUPAs  •  Cash Flow + the Importance of Clinical Pathways  •  Cash Flow + the Importance of Specialty Programs  •  Documentation  •  ACO + BPCIA Partnerships
  • Infection Control + Survey Preparedness
  • Home Health Regulatory Updates
  • Accelerated Medicare Payments
  • Home Health COVID-19 Considerations 


Have questions or want to learn more about customized home health outsourcing solutions? Fill out the form below and one of our home health experts will get in touch with you.